GIS coverages produced for the paper "A soil colour map of China" by Liu F, Rossiter D G, Zhang G-L, Li D C Geoderma (under review) Data DOI£º10.11666/00072.ver1.db Files: 1. (319.4 Mb): -- all-China 1km resolution R, G, B separates as GeoTIFF rasters, as predicted with no stretching (0-255) -- packed as single ZIP file -- produced by the random forest model applied over the all-China grid -- file names when expanded: {wet|dry}{r|g|b}{depth}.{tif,tfw,tif.aux.xml,tif.vat.dbf} 2. (463.7 Mb) -- all-China colour composites created from R, G, B predictions as GeoTIFF rasters, no stretching (0-255), with colour maps -- built in ArcGIS -- packed as single ZIP file -- file names when expanded: {dry,wet}rgb{depth}.{tif,tfw,tif.aux.xml,tif.ovr} 3. ColourMatchingBar{Moist,Dry}.pdf -- colour bars for monitor or print calibration 4. ProducingColourBars.R -- a small R script to produce your own colour bars File extensions: -- .tif : the grid itself; this includes a header with the coordinate reference system These other files are not necessary to use or view the .tif, but help ArcGIS -- .tfw - the "world" file, locating the image and its characteristics, i.e., the pixel size, coordinate of upper-left pixel and rotation values (none in this case) (allowing the image to be correctly placed on a coordinate plane); -- .tif.ovr - a reduced-resolution versions of the .tif -- .tif.vat.dbf - a table for the legend values -- .tif.aux - auxiliary data such as pre-computed histograms Coordinate Reference System: +proj=aea +lat_1=25 +lat_2=47 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=105 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs